How to stop negative thoughts

4 min readMay 23, 2020


When we think negatively, we keep reminding ourselves about all the bad experiences we have in our life instead of focusing on our goals. Every extraordinary person has been through this stage. Only difference between an extraordinary person and an ordinary person is that an extraordinary person knows when to stop. I have done it and I can show you how to stop negative thoughts by doing this challenge or a mental exercise whatever you call it. The question is, Are you ready? Do you want to start thinking positive again? Only proceed if your answer is yes!

How to stop negative thoughts

“A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.”

Your thoughts shape your character. Whatever you think and process in your mind, it soon starts showing in the words you speak, if your behavior is negative, your words could become rude if you don’t control it today. Whatever you speak, your brain processes it and it starts becoming your actions, if you are thinking violently, you will become violent with time and damage your or other’s life. Whatever your actions are, it shapes “YOU”. If you think negatively, there is a change that your life will become negative. That is how powerful your thoughts are. Here is another quote by Mahatma Gandhi to remind you to be positive.

“Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.”

A person becomes extraordinary, by thinking like an extraordinary person. Believe you are an extraordinary person and with time, you will be able to achieve extraordinarily.

“I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was.”

But before the challenge, I want you to brainstorm and think about all the positive things you have in your life. Write down and make a list of all the positive things you have in your life. It will remind you to start loving yourself and it will give you the reasons to love your life again. If you think there is nothing positive in your life, write down “I am positive” because you are better than people who are not even trying to change their lives.

A seven-day challenge to change your life

So, the challenge is “7 days without any negative thoughts”. Can you live just one week of your life without having a negative thought? Think about it for a few minutes before saying yes. Whether your answer is a “No” or a “Yes”, I want you to take this challenge. Give it a try for yourself. Now write down “I am going to take a 7-days no negative thought challenge” on a paper and paste this note somewhere in your room where it is visible to you most of the time. Make sure you could be able to read it at least 5 times a day.

Now, what if I get a negative thought?

That is very normal, this challenge is not about you becoming Jesus just by writing a note. This challenge is about whenever you have a negative thought in your mind, as soon as you realize it, you will avoid it and start focusing on something good in your life. The goal is the avoid negative thoughts as much as possible. Do it just for seven days in your life and see how this will impact your life.

“There is too much negativity in the world. Do your best to make sure you aren’t contributing to it.”

Think about what you want in your life. Try to clear your purpose in your life, that one thing you want to do before you die. If you already know what you want in your life, think about how you can achieve it. Keep a memo pad with you in which you write the steps to achieve your goals.

If your goal is big enough, try to divide your goal into tiny milestones and think about how to achieve them individually. Don’t pressurize your mind with a great goal, it is possible that you end up getting bored and changing your goals over and over. Our mind likes to get rewards whenever it does something. This behavior helps us prioritize things and stay motivated.

Unfortunately, our mind is a lazy soul, it likes to do easy things like watching a moving, eating, having fun, etc. However, when we think of doing big and great things, we have to perform small things that do not give us any immediate results. This way, our mind feels less motivates because there is no immediate reward associated with doing that activity. If you make tiny milestones for yourself. Your mind will think it is easy to do and will anticipate a reward in the form of accomplishment. This behavior will help you stay motivated and achieve a chain of small goals that result in the achievement of a bigger goal. And, at the same time, you and your brain can enjoy the sense of achievement

This seven-day challenge might also help you to clarify what you want in your life. All the best, write down your experience in the comments or !

Originally published at on May 23, 2020.




Written by Andleeb


Greetings! I write about self-development to help youngsters get inspired. Reach out

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